Information and FAQs for Invisalign patients during lockdown

Information and FAQs for Invisalign patients during lockdown

If you are part way through your Invisalign treatment, the enforced government lockdown due to COVID-19 may have left you with some questions. Here are answers to the most common queries being put to our customer service team. 

I have run out of aligners, what should I do?

If you are on the last aligner that was given to you by your dentist, please ring reception. We should be able to make available some more aligners for you to pick up. However, if you need attachments fitted, taken off or gaps made, we may just prepare you some replica aligners. We are able to make you up to 2 sets of replica aligners free of charge during this unprecedented time.

Please note if you need to collect more aligners, we can either send them to you through the post or indeed push them through the letterbox outside the practice for you to pick up in person. Please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you again as lockdown restrictions begin to ease.

My attachments need removing

Unfortunately, we are unable to remove attachments at this time. We will only be able to do this once we are allowed to re-open.

My attachments need putting on

Again, because we are not allowed to see patients face-to-face at the moment, there will be a delay in putting buttons (or attachments) on your teeth until we are allowed to re-open. If you are at the start of your treatment, you may decide to clean the aligners that you’ve been wearing and start all over again once this temporary closure of the practice comes to an end.

Some or one of my attachments has come off

Please do not worry if your attachments have come off as these can be replaced once we re-open. If the attachment has come off a tooth that is moving a lot during this treatment, we recommend you stay on the aligner you were wearing when the attachment came off. Give us a ring and we will order a fresh set for you to wear during this temporary closure.

My aligners are broken or very worn and I have no more

Please call reception, whereupon we can order up to 2 sets of your current aligners free of charge for you to wear as a retainer until we re-open.

I am due to have bonding and contouring done

This type of treatment can only be done once the practice re-opens fully. Please make sure you keep wearing your aligners because they are acting as a retainer and keeping your teeth straight.

When will you be open again?

We will be open once the government give us the go-ahead – we estimate this to be 1st June at the earliest, but it could be 1st July. At this stage, unless we have the correct personal protective equipment, there are only a handful of treatments we will be able to perform due to the aerosol generating procedures that dentistry produces.

For all other questions, please call our reception team on 01268 742333 followed by option one and speak to either Vicky or Sue on the desk. They are in on Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1 pm. At the weekend, both Declan and Stephen Keane are on call to answer your questions. Please leave a message and it will be picked up after midday.